Since 2002, The AFVR repurposes glasses and aids to provide them to needy patients. Most devices are donated when a patient’s vision has changed significantly and can no longer be used by the individual. Dr. Gannon established the Foundation in response to a growing need and an equal generosity of his patients, their families and visual aid suppliers.
Associates in the Lion's Club and companies that produce the devices, glasses and technology, also support the AFVR.
In the Spring of 2005, The American Foundation for Visual Rehabilitation made a huge impact on the diagnosis and treatment of low vision and Macular Degeneration in Nigeria. For almost two years Dr. Gannon had assisted Dr. Yamah Tunde Osadebe online, an optometrist in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. It became increasingly obvious that Dr. Osadebe would need hands-on training in order to make his efforts successful. Dr. Gannon brought Dr. Osadebe to Fort Lauderdale for extensive training, donating his time and his expertise. Corporate sponsors helped with lodging and airfare.
Osadebe now possesses the skills for state-of-the-art diagnosis and the most advanced treatment capabilities in Nigeria. Without the AFVR and the support of many generous donations, Dr. Osadebe’s clinic could not have been such an amazing success. The training, technology and glasses are truly impacting the lives of his patients beyond Gannon’s dreams. This achievement brings hope and visual independence to many impoverished people.
Donated items include: computer systems with vision assistive software, CCTV’s (reading machines), magnifiers, telemicroscopic, telescopic and microscopic glasses and electronic headborn magnification devices.
Donations to the AFVR are tax deductible. 100% of funds are used to distribute and maintain devices and provide low vision assistance. To donate a device, make a cash contribution, or get the list of current available devices please contact us.